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Quick QC

Quick QC is an Excel base tool which can fetch QC data using OTA API programming, it will pull data from all the required QC tabs and perform different manipulation and operation on such data.

QQC has various Functionality and Mechanism for processing on the fetched data as per predefined set condition; it has various filtered Reports based on QC data.


QQC Benefits:

  • Download /upload data from/to QC.
  • Edit /modify the existing data in QC.
  • Execute the Test cases / Test Scripts / Test Cycle in QC.
  • Automatic Download  /upload Test Cases from/to QC.
  • Automatic Log a defect using several predefine condition.
  • Manipulate Test Plan / Test Lab / Dash Board as per predefine set condition.
  • Simple interaction among all the QC tabs as per predefine set condition.
  • Customise filtered Reports as per predefine filter criteria.

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